So this last weekend my granparents, Selma and Elmer Wiedmeier, had their 50th Wedding Anniversary. My grandpa was so cute and told me he hopes we all make it to 50 as well. I laughed and thought about how I only have a little more then 46 years to go!!! Anyhow it was a Louau and after a while everyone began shedding off their lays. I watched in amazement as Isabelle picked up at least 10 lays and put them all around her neck, one at a time, all by herself. Then spent the rest of the night jabbering and runnig around like they weren't even there!
We had a fun time at the McCullough family reunion in Bear Lake!
We hiked to Bloomington Lake and Izz loved the hike as long as I gave her wild flowers to hold!
Izz's first Carousel ride at Lagoon!
Isabelle's Many Faces!